I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING- If one more person comes in here poking and prodding me, I might crack! Honestly, why would you even think of having another person sticking you with something?
But, think again about eradicating pregnancy discomforts like morning sickness, headaches, pain, and anxiety. Scientific research says acupuncture may help ease many of the everyday aches and discomforts of pregnancy.
Acupuncture tsubo points coincide with deep nerves so that when the needles are twirled or stimulated, the nerves are activated. It triggers the release of brain chemicals, including endorphins, which block pain signals and help relieve several symptoms, even during pregnancy.
What are the Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy?
Acupuncture can ease a wide range of pregnancy symptoms, including heartburn, swelling in the legs, sciatica or other back pain, headaches, and morning sickness. Pregnant women are limited from most pain medications, so it’s great to have another option in dire times.
Some of the pregnancy symptoms acupuncture can treat are:
Morning sickness: Acupuncture that targets the wrist can reduce nausea and vomiting that comes with morning sickness.
Depression and anxiety: Nearly 1 in 4 women are affected during pregnancy. Acupuncture can be tailored to improve depression and the severity of symptoms.
Headaches: Acupuncture may reduce pregnancy-induced headaches and lessen the use of medication.
Insomnia: Research shows that moms-to-be who get acupuncture fall asleep easier and stay asleep.
What are the Risks of Acupuncture During Pregnancy?
When administered by a trained professional, Acupuncture during pregnancy is considered safe and has little to no risks. Most risks are minor, including soreness, redness, slight infection, or minor bleeding at the insertion sites.
The more significant concern during pregnancy is where it is performed. Several points are contraindicated for pregnant women before the 37-week mark. Specific points can induce contractions — and should be avoided. Once at term, pregnant women can give them a try at the hands of a professional.
How Often Should I Have Acupuncture During Pregnancy?
First Trimester: Weekly treatments until week 12. Treatments can help prevent miscarriage, manage nausea and vomiting, increase energy, prevent constipation and bloating, and reduce anxiety.
Second Trimester: Every 2-4 weeks, depending on the individual. Treatment can help prevent pregnancy symptoms such as back pain, hip pain, cramps, stress, pelvic pain, sciatica, indigestion, insomnia.
Third Trimester: In most cases, from week 35-40. Treatments can help position the baby for easier delivery, lessen the duration of labor, prepare the cervix, boost energy, help reduce anxiety, manage fluid retention, and reduce high blood pressure. Your acupuncturist can recommend a treatment plan based on your health history and symptoms.
Read below for some tips.
- If you’re considering acupuncture, talk with your OB-GYN for medical advice first. It is always best to discuss any health conditions, medications, or other issues to determine if acupuncture is right for you.
- Look for a state-licensed acupuncturist certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). It is vital to find an someone that has extensive experience dealing with pregnant women.
- Ask your acupuncturist in the beginning about the number of treatments you may need and how much each one costs.
- You shouldn’t feel any unusual contractions during or after a session. If you do, contact your doctor immediately, unless you’re at term and explicitly hoping to induce labor.
Are you interested in acupuncture to relieve your pregnancy symptoms? Contact Abundance Acupuncture Clinic in Santa Rosa, California, for your first consultation.