This Lung Metal season, let go of what no longer serves you. That includes stuff in your house, your work, your relationships, unresolved grief, emotions, or your own self-talk. Consolidate what feels good and what is propelling you forward towards your goals. Discard the excess and unnecessary. Besides clearing out excessive physical stuff in your life, you can also let go of things like . . . putting up with behaviors that are harming you—from yourself or others.
Be clear and detailed, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. Be honest, be real, and don’t sweep emotions or knowing under the rug. Don’t hide the things you don’t want to see. Empty your closets and reorganize. The lungs like to receive, let go, and breathe through the ups and downs of life. Holding in unresolved, hidden stuff doesn’t harmonize with the lungs/metal element. At all.
Metal Element BALANCED looks like:
- Communication
- Consolidation
- Productive work, new disciplines
- Study, Clarity, Care
- Quiet walks
- Nasal breathing
- More Rest

Metal Element OUT of Balance looks like:
- Indecision
- Confusion
- Overindulgence
- Shallow breathing
- Overstimulation, smoking, coffee, etc.
- Fatigue
- Obscurity
This is the metal element time, so support your respiratory health to also help cultivate this process of letting go. Use herbs to strengthen the lungs and reduce smoking, drinking, and overindulgence. The lungs are the intermediary between you and your environment. The lungs relate to the spiritual manifestation of the soul in its yin earthly form.
Peace and Blessings be with you,
Radiya Heather MacAulay Austin, MS, LAc

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