Seasonal Solar cycles affect our system just like the pull of the waning and waxing moon. Spiritually, the veils are thinner at these solstice and equinox transitional times, so it’s a great time to gain insights into your goals, your life, and the direction in which you are headed.
It’s possible for experiences to seem amplified. It can feel insightful and exhilarating, like things are syncing together at lightning speed. It can feel like things are going really fast, and a lot is coming at you at one time.

Emotions can also be amplified, for better or for worse. A magnified type of “OFF!” can show up too, when seasonal transitions stir up deep-seated change.
Either way, whether you “believe” in it or not, the energetic pull of the sun and moon have a direct impact on us. For intuitives and sensitives, the reality of these influences is powerful in our individual stories, but also in collective humanity at large.
These incredibly powerful sweeps of energy will highlight what is synchronistic and flowing well in your life, but also highlight what’s out of sync too. These cycles of nature live within us and around us, returning us to the essence of our existence, again and again. Just like the resonance of simple water, healing potential is simple and offered to us in every moment.
Peace and Blessings be with you,
Radiya Heather MacAulay Austin, MS, LAc
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